Oh boy, we got a little stench that precedes this one,
I will say this much- it has that 70’s vibe to it in a
strong way but unfortunately nothing else to hang
it’s hat on. A few gore scenes, I would say this one
is a good watch for lovers of the genre but even
b-movie fans aren’t going to pull this one off the
shelf a second time, ya dig me? Using my Palm
 Springs Rating System, this little slice of late 70’s
gets One Palm Tree….The Horror!!

Film Review: Drive-In Massacre (1977)

SYNOPSIS: “At a rural, run-down drive in theater, a young couple arrives to watch the movie playing. They park their car and talk about having a baby. The woman suggests procreating at the drive-in, but the man, Alan, wants to see the beginning of the movie.


Every 70s Movie: Drive-In Massacre (1977)

For fans of ’70s cheese, the prospect of a low-budget slasher flick set at a drive-in theater-and bearing the cheerfully blunt title Drive-In Massacre-is tantalyzing. Unfortunately, this particular picture’s appeal ends there, because the amateurish movie squanders every bit of potential its concept promises.


Drive-In Massacre (1977)

Directed by Stu Segall Magnum VHS THE FILM As a kid, I spent a lot of time with my first cousins. They farted in my face, trashed my Millennium Falcon, and let their friends fart in my face.


The Sheer Horror!!

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